(Cambridge, MA – November 22, 2013) – Galileo Analytics Co-Founder Anna McCollister-Slipp will speak at the upcoming 2013 MIT Innovations in Health Care Conference on December 3-4 at the Tang Center on the MIT campus.
Co-sponsored by the MIT Sloan School of Management and the MIT Industrial Liaison Program, this year’s conference will feature a series of presentations, demonstrations and panels discussing how innovations in technology and data analytics are beginning to drive transformation and improvements in health care delivery.
In addition to McCollister-Slipp, the conference will feature a “Who’s Who” of experts on a range of areas related to health technology and health care delivery innovations. Other speakers include Gary Gottlieb, CEO of Partners Healthcare; Kevin Tabb, President and CEO, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; David Schmittlein, John C. Head III Dean, MIT Sloan School of Management; Charlie Schick, Director, Big Data Solutions, Healthcare and Life Sciences, IBM; Charlie Hough, Vice President & Global Head of Strategy, Corporate Responsibility, Novartis; and William H. Crown, Chief Scientific Officer, Optum Labs, among many other esteemed faculty from MIT and the private-sector.
McCollister-Slipp will participate in a panel discussion on December 4. More information about the panel is below:
Health Care Analytics in Action (Panel Chairs: Professors Joe Doyle and Dimitris Bertsimas)
This panel considers the current opportunities and challenges in using large data sets to improve the delivery of health care: improving patient health and provider efficiency. This includes clinical data collected by providers, claims data collected by payers, and self-monitoring data collected by individuals and monitored by providers.
Steve Sofoul, Cofounder & President, Benefits Science
Dimitris Bertsimas, Boeing Leaders for Manufacturing Professor of Management, MIT
Amy Finkelstein, Ford Professor of Economics, MIT
William Crown, MD, Chief Scientific Officer, Optum Labs.
Joe Doyle, Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management, Professor of Applied Economics, MIT Sloan School of Management
Amy Finkelstein, Ford Professor of Economics, MIT
Anna McCollister-Slipp, Co-Founder, Galileo Analytics
Corbin Petro, COO, Office of Medicaid Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services
Charlie Schick, Ph.D, Director, Big Data Solutions, Healthcare and Life Sciences, IBM
For further information about the MIT Innovations in Health Care Conference and to see the full agenda, click here.