Primary market research with patients consistently relies on recall. Whether in an interview, recruitment screener or survey, what the patient remembers is what gets recorded. What has been lacking is an ability to validate respondent recall in a timely and efficient manner – especially when it comes to the drugs that they take.
Now Galileo Analytics, in partnership with HealthConnexx, is offering a true innovation to primary research with patients – their RxConnexx™ platform provides data-as-a-subscription (DaaS) access to real-time pharmacy and medication claims data covering 80% of the US population and 93% of covered lives.
So how does it work?
Medication Data:
RxConnexx™ has real-time access to pharmacy and medication claims data covering 80% of the US population. The data sources include major retail, specialty, and regional pharmacies, PBM’s, and payers.
Fast Access
Accessing RxConnexx™ requires an established relationship with the patient, such as completing market research to discover factors causing non-compliance with medication. The process is simple:
1. Specific consent and patient / physician information are submitted to RxConnexx;
2. All pharmacy data for the previous 12 months are reported back in a summarized form;
a. Unique list of Rx filled in the last 12 months
b. Current medications
c. Compliance and persistence measures
d. Treated co-morbidities
i. Full list of indications from the unique drug list
Depending on the application, turnaround from submission to results is usually within a few hours up to a couple of days (particularly for market research projects), and data are current as of the day before the submission is made.
Changing Patient Primary Research
Screening for a survey can now include a full check on drugs prescribed – not just what the patient remembers or reports.
Actual prescribing can be included in interview guides or questionnaires.
Actual prescribing can be included in analysis and insights from the study.
Privacy and Data Security
All activities within the RxConnexx™ process are completed within the requirements of GDPR, HIPAA and CCPA.