(Washington, DC – October 16) Galileo Analytics Co-Founder, Anna McCollister-Slipp will present today at the Center for Medical Technology Policy (CMTP) Diabetes Comparative Effectiveness Research Summit, an invitation-only workshop designed to address evidence gaps, examine study design issues, and identify infrastructure needed to improve the quality of comparative effectiveness research in diabetes.
McCollister-Slipp will join some of the nation’s leading researchers, care givers, pharmaceutical executives and patient advocates at the event, which will seek to identify the most effective methods for assessing the benefits of diabetes therapies and define new ways to design studies aimed at informing patients and physicians about which therapeutic options will work best for each patient.
In addition to being invited to participate in the workshop, McCollister-Slipp will be one of four participants on the Summit’s closing panel, The Road Ahead for CER in Diabetes. She will join CMTP Founder and President Sean Tunis; Robert Ratner, Vice President for Scientific Affairs, American Diabetes Association; and Judith Fradkin, Director, Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, & Metabolic Diseases at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
McCollister-Slipp is a passionate advocate for the need to find new ways of evaluating the effectiveness of various medical technologies and treatments, which will empower patients to work with their physicians to choose therapies that are best for their individual needs. She speaks frequently on patient perspectives on CER, which is informed and inspired by her experiences living with type 1 diabetes for 27 years.
For more information on the CMTP Diabetes CER Summit and Workshop, visit www.cmtpnet.org.